Two days Faculty Development workshop on the theme Student Enterprises'
Author: NITIE Center for Student Enterprsies ( NCSE)
Behatar Padhai kay liye… Kamai .. ! !
Two days Faculty Development workshop on the theme
Student Enterprises
Jan 12 – 13, 2009 @ NITIE Mumbai
(For faculty members working in UG and PG colleges)
“ Orientation for entrepreneurship has to start right from the schools. Teachers need to teach the role of entrepreneurship in national development in the schools. During college education, students must be exposed to business development opportunities and must be trained towards creation of new enterprises…”
Address to the Nation on the eve of Republic Day 26th Jan 2007.
- Genesis of Student Enterprises workshop for Faculty members :
With the objective to promote student enterprising in various colleges in the country, it was found necessary to train the faculty members for practicing the student enterprising. Towards this, this two days workshop is designed by
- Workshop Objectives
v To create awareness about Student Enterprising as a pedagogy
v To enlighten the faculty members of student enterprises through demonstration of live student enterprise cases
v To share among the faculty members possible ways to develop student enterprises
- Coverage
v Need for innovation in educational pedagogies
v Student Enterprises – What, why and how?
v Select cases of student enterprises
v Possible areas for implementation of student enterprises
v Action Plan for future
- Participation of the faculty members
In all thirteen (13) faculty members from various colleges in the country have registered and 12 faculty have attended the program.
Faculty Members | Institute affiliation |
| Central university, Dept. Of Management Studies , Hyd |
| R V |
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| IBS Mumbai |
| |
| Srinidhi Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyd. |
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| SIMSAR, Mumbai |
| Mittal |
- Outcome of the workshop
Ø Concept of student enterprising is interesting innovative, and the need of the hour.
Ø There is need to establish at least one Center for Student Enterprises in each of the states in the country so as to spread the concept across the country.
Ø Student enterprising pedagogy can be used for enabling learning for all kinds of subjects, students and all places irrespective of nature and type.
Ø Best way to implement this pedagogy is by making it mandatory and academic weight needs to be given for successful implementation of the same.
Ø There is need to create awareness about the concept among the faculty and academic administrators in the country. To achieve this, there is need to conduct many FDPs on the theme of student enterprising.
Ø Further, there is need to give monetary incentives and awards to the faculty, students so as to embrace the student enterprising in a major way.
Harnessing and converting one crore Indian UG and PG students’
time, talent, energy and potential into real Student Enterprises
and utilizing the same for achieving Educational Effectiveness
all across the educational sphere.
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